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The Penny Pinch follows my journey to save money here and there. There will be posts about using coupons and my shopping trips with them, DIY products and projects, and any other money saving tips I discover. There is nothing wrong with trying to pinch a few pennies!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Easy Soap Scum Remover/Sink Cleaner/Overall Cleaner

There are a million cleaning products on the market, especially those targeted at removing soap scum and cleaning your shower/tub.  However a lot of them make you feel like you are going to pass out from the fumes and still don't do that good of a job.  I found a very easy DIY cleaner online.  After using it to clean my tub/shower, bathroom sink, and kitchen sink I have to say that I am sold.

Easy Soap Scum Remover

Equal Parts Vinegar and Liquid Dish Soap.  Put into a spray bottle, preferably one that has a mist option, and shake.  That's it!  Then spray on surface to be cleaned and let sit for 10-15 minutes.  Wipe clean with a sponge and rinse.

I found all surfaces to have a nice shine and clean look. The vinegar smell is apparent but it fades away and honestly it is still better than smelling toxic chemical fumes.  As with any cleaner if your shower or other areas are heavily soiled it may take a few applications to get it clean then you just need to clean more regularly to keep it that way.  Another site suggested putting some of this mixture in one of those sponges that have the handle attached so that you can just clean the walls as you are showering.  Which is a benefit of this because its just soap and vinegar.  I would not be in the shower cleaning with a more toxic cleaner but I can see how using this tip would keep it clean on a more regular basis.

Try it out and leave your comments below with your opinions!

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