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The Penny Pinch follows my journey to save money here and there. There will be posts about using coupons and my shopping trips with them, DIY products and projects, and any other money saving tips I discover. There is nothing wrong with trying to pinch a few pennies!

Friday, October 12, 2012

DIY Detox Bath

We all need some stress relief in our daily lives.  Baths are one of the most relaxing things to do.  Just sit back and let your body melt away in the soothing warm water, music playing, eyes closed...ahhh.  There are many therapeutic types of bath to takes and today I am going to share with you a easy and cheap detox bath that you can take.  Detox baths go way back to ancient times.  In detoxification groups and practice the skin is known as the "third kidney",  meaning it is used as a way of ridding the body of toxins.  The point of the bath is to rid the body of toxins by opening your pores up and sweating it out.  The bath also provides your body with minerals and nutrients that it can absorb as well.

Detox Bath

First set aside 45-60 minutes for the whole bath process. It is also a good idea to do this towards the end of the day or on a day you have no where to go.  This will leave you tired and very relaxed so it is not wise to do much of anything after but rest.

Run a bath with comfortably hot water.  Add the following ingredients, amounts can be adjusted for larger tubs:

2 Cups Epsom Salt - Epsom salt, also known as Magnesium Sulfate, is found in the pharmacy area of your store and can also be found in the garden center area in larger bags.  Epsom salt alone makes a great bath because the magnesium helps to prevent hypertension and the sulfate helps to form brain proteins and healthy tissues in your joints.  It is great for sore muscles as well.

1-2 Cups Baking Soda - Baking Soda is of course a very common ingredient and can be found in the baking aisle.  It can also be found in larger boxes in the cleaning aisle as well as the garden section in some stores.  Baking soda is known for its cleaning properties, is anti-fungal as well as a great skin softener.  You will feel very refreshed with this in your bath.

Ground Ginger - This can be added in amounts ranging from 1 Tbsp to 1/3 cup depending on your skin sensitivity.  This is added to increase the heat level of your skin causing you to sweat easily.  It may turn your skin red for a little while because of the increased heat, therefore start small and add what is comfortable to you.  This is a great addition to the bath to help push the toxins out but also great when sick because it really helps you sweat out that bug you are trying to get rid of.

Essential Oils, Herbs, Aromatherapy Oils - You can add any of your favorite oils and herbs to help add to the enjoyment of your bath. I have rosemary growing readily on my patio so I chose that.  Mint helps to increase the warming sensation, while chamomile and lavender help to soothe.  It is really up to you, and also not necessary for the bath.


- Drink plenty of water before, during and after the bath.  You will get dehydrated from all the sweating.  Treat this as if you are having a massage.  If you choose to ignore drinking water you will feel sick like the flu as the toxins are released and exit your body.

- It is reccomended that you stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes, and up to 40 if you can.  You really want to allow at least 20 minutes for the sweat glands to open and start releasing and another 20 to soak up the healthy nutrients in the bath.  If you feel like it is just too hot in the bath, feel free to add some cooler water to the tub.

- After the bath continue drinking water and just relax.  You may watch a tv show or two, but chances are you will want to go to sleep. Which is fine but make sure you drink enough water before.  Yes, I know I keep repeating that!

- Apple Cider Vinegar has also been suggested to help increase positive acids in your body that aid in things like fighting acne.

- BE CAREFUL when getting out of the tub, the salts make the tub slippery.

- DO NOT use this bath if you are prone to high blood pressure, heart or kidney problems, or pregnant.

- Do not eat immediately before or after your bath.

- I am not a doctor or medical expert.  Please research the addition of any other items to the bath as they may have harmful effects.

So sit back, relax, and detox those nasty toxins away.  Consider making a large batch of this mixture with some good smelling oil and give as a gift as well.

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